The current economic state has caused many people to search for some sort of solution that will right the ship and make life a little easier again.  I am, personally, one of those people on that thorough search and I realized that the solution to our problem is right under our fingertips – the Internet and mobile broadband. 



I have found, through my research, some articles on fiscal packages designed by the US and other global organizations that include significant government spending within the Telecom and Broadband Wireless Networks. India, China and the USA project that this funding will create nearly a million new jobs throughout the coming year. 




I rely heavily on the communication methods of broadband Internet and my daily activity has increased year after year.  It is at the point where there is rarely a moment where I am not in front of a computer or clicking away on some sort of mobile device that has access to the internet.  I have a blackberry that is attached to my hip to ensure consistent correspondence with my clients and memberships to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.  Along with being able to get up to date information from my social networking sites, I also read Reuters, CNN-Money, and Bloomberg updates on an hourly basis so that I'm in the loop with the play-by-play report of our economy and mobile updates on some of the terrible stock picks that I made on e*trade.  




The internet has become one of the starting points to my day and almost as regular as the morning shower, the cup of coffee or the rushed breakfast before work. The internet is also the start of the day for the millions of unemployed workers.  Finding a new opportunity nowadays seems to always start with the internet.  Need to find opportunities or research companies that are hiring? – Go to the internet.  Need to connect with a network of people that will assist you in meeting the decision makers for the job you want? – Go to the internet.  Need to get your resume in the hands of the hiring manager? – You get the idea. Candidates are constantly turning to the internet to find a new job and in many cases, start a new life.  The same is true for companies…




More organizations are turning to internet to research what their competitors are doing or what new tools/technology they can use to get ahead in this marketplace.  Our company is looking at how different applications will allow us to revolutionize our industry.  We want to change the way that companies search for candidates and how candidates find jobs.  We may be able to change an industry, but we're not going to be able to change the world…or are we?!  I can feel that something bigger is on the horizon, not only for our company but for the way we live our lives on a daily basis and I am betting the house that it will come from the internet. 


Published On: April 17th, 2009Categories: Blog News, Sales Recruiting

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