Have you ever heard of the fable of the sun and wind?

Anyone who has read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie knows this fable and for those of you who haven't heard it, it's a great story:



"The sun and wind quarreled about which was the stronger, and the wind said, "I'll prove I am.  See the old man down there with a coat?  I bet I can get his coat off him quicker than you can."


So the sun went behind a cloud, and the wind blew until it was almost a tornado, but the harder it blew, the tighter the old man clutched his coat to him.


Finally, the wind calmed down and gave up, and the sun came out from behind the clouds and smiled kindly on the old man.  Presently, he mopped his brow and pulled off his coat.




The sun then told the wind that gentleness and friendliness were always stronger than fury and force."



In today's economic climate it is not greed and selfishness that will bring you success, but instead it is generosity and unity that will make you a winner.  Our world is moving faster and faster everyday and the only way to keep up is for people to come together. 



This is not a time to fight and force your opinions on those that disagree.  It is about working together to understand each other's point of view.  Learn how to brainstorm together, respect each others opinion and collaborate to find a truly unique and modern solution to today's market.  You can't do it alone so unite the troops and figure out how you are going to win together.  Lead the field and you will be the envy of your competition.  Today is all about team spirit and new ideas.  It is about working together as a team and trying new things.  It is about open dialog, brainstorming and new ideas.  That is how change happens and now is the time to do it.  Don't be afraid of trying new sales techniques and failing.  Be afraid of using outdated methodologies and missing the wave of economic change.  This is the best economy to try new things so take some chances and don't be afraid to make some mistakes.  Create open dialog and collaboration with your team and you will find what you need to do to win.  


Published On: June 5th, 2009Categories: Blog News, Job Search and Career

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