It's not about what you know it's who you know….


"The future of network marketing is unlimited. There's no end in sight. It will continue to grow because better people are getting into it … soon, it will be one of the most respected business methods in the world." – Brian Tracy

In today's fast paced, ever changing world it is more important than ever to network and grow your social sphere. Many people have a stereotypical image in their head when it comes to networking. They picture it as a bunch of people walking around a room, exchanging business cards and resumes while making small talk. While this is one side of networking there is so much more to networking than this. This stereotype is perpetuated by a misunderstanding of the general objective of networking.

Networking is not about getting a job or making a sale, it's not about forcing someone to meet with you and it's not about finding someone to pull strings for you.

Networking is about developing and cultivating relationships and getting to know someone. Networking is something most of us do naturally every day even if you don't realize it.

With that being said, the traditional notion that networking entails walking around a room full of business people and exchanging business cards has gone out the window. Now networking occurs on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Foursquare, Gowalla and what seems like a new social platform every day.

While operating within our new found social communities, one must remember that it is not enough to have 500 LinkedIn or Facebook connections. Making connection is merely the first step. It is important to ask questions, post on message boards and answer other people's questions. This is where networking is going and it is not coming back.

Join Our Network! Treeline, Inc. has created one of the largest sales communities on the internet.

Published On: December 8th, 2010Categories: Blog News, Job Search and Career

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